Development Data Engineering, Big Data, and Other Vague Vocabulary The cross-section of software engineering and data science is home to an unusual culture of gatekeeping.
Development The Great Divide Company’s adopting open office spaces and heavy Slack culture reveals the prioritization of management over talent.
Product Defining Your JIRA Project's Issue Schemes The first step to creating clear team communication in JIRA is utilizing issue types effectively.
PM Tools The Art Of Technical Documentation It's not so much our ideas that consume us, but the ability to explain those ideas to entire teams of people.
Project Management Agile Development Without The Bullshit The term "Agile Development" in product management has been bloated with jargon and meaningless terminology. Let's look at agile and get back to the basics.
PM Tools Getting Started With JIRA A guide for JIRA beginners to learn the basics of navigating through Atlassian's JIRA project management software.
Life Welcome to Toddzilla Sources confirmed that Todd Birchard, the unmistakably anonymous Product Manager from New York, has started a blog. Tech community reels in shock.